Wii Music?
Good for music education or not?
Does it really have potential to teach?
Should it remain merely for entertainment?
Is it too limiting?
Do professional musicians respect it?
Is there enough (if any) correlation to real instruments?
Listen to my webcast in the top right corner (link below) for some more though about
Wii Music -- Technology in Music.
This is very contraversial for myself, being one to dislike electronics. However, having a game that focuses on something quite as wonderful as music is at least better than some of the alternatives. It would, of course be better if (I should say) children went out and took up real instruments, but that isn't always possible. I think the best way for this to teach would be if the game could realy help the players learn to keep different rythms and time sequences, pheraps even to read the notes. If it could help with some of these priliminary elements to muscial instruments, that would be rather neat, but I still don't think I would choose playing this versus picking up a song book and finding someone to help teach me instead. Take me for instance--rather than begging for a Wii or say, guitar hero--I asked for a violin and am now enjoying learning music along with a true, physical instrument.